Awareness Day

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Sigh By Lori Harpell 3/25/2024 Feeling like a deflated balloon, Swirling in a dirty gutter... Hazel is confused, Bob is worn out... Bathroom to recliner, Recliner to bathroom... Hours resting with closed eyes, Listening to the quiet sounds outside... A bed bath, A...

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Me and my ME

Me and my ME

Me and my ME Who is me, or rather who am I, and what is ME? My name is Dr Bear Lawrence, and I’ve enjoyed an interesting life. I’ve worked as a delivery driver in Norway, a helicopter tour pilot in the Caribbean, and a flight instructor in Oregon. In the UK I’ve been...

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Slowly Dying

Slowly Dying

**Trigger Warning. This poem may be difficult to read for some individuals. Please take care. Here is a link to BHC's Crisis Resources page.**   Slowly Dying I'm on earth, and I no longer feel like I'm living; instead, I'm slowly dying. It's like being in a...

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Good Day Bad Day Communication Tool

Good Day Bad Day Communication Tool

BHC Education Director, Tahlia Ruschioni presents our latest patient asses, Good Day Bad Day Questionnaire, at the May 11th Messages of Hope awareness event. The following is a transcript of her presentation.   Tahlia Ruschioni: So I think it goes without saying that...

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