Honoring Our Illness Journey Today I am going to talk about something important which is honoring our illness journeys. When we talk about honoring our illness journeys what does that mean? Honoring includes 2 things: 1) respect, and 2) esteem. I think these are two...
Awareness Day
Sigh By Lori Harpell 3/25/2024 Feeling like a deflated balloon, Swirling in a dirty gutter... Hazel is confused, Bob is worn out... Bathroom to recliner, Recliner to bathroom... Hours resting with closed eyes, Listening to the quiet sounds outside... A bed bath, A...
Me and my ME
Me and my ME Who is me, or rather who am I, and what is ME? My name is Dr Bear Lawrence, and I’ve enjoyed an interesting life. I’ve worked as a delivery driver in Norway, a helicopter tour pilot in the Caribbean, and a flight instructor in Oregon. In the UK I’ve been...
Persephone Enters the Underworld
Persephone Enters the Underworld/Thanksgiving Table 11/26/23 Grieve for me Mother because I am gone. No, I was not stolen or taken. I did not fall, Slip. Truthfully I cannot tell you how I got within the winding corridors of death. But here I am. No, Mother I will not...
Slowly Dying
**Trigger Warning. This poem may be difficult to read for some individuals. Please take care. Here is a link to BHC's Crisis Resources page.** Slowly Dying I'm on earth, and I no longer feel like I'm living; instead, I'm slowly dying. It's like being in a...
Director’s Panel Discussion Awareness Event
As part of the May 11th Messages of Hope Awareness Event, BHC directors engaged in a panel discussion. The following is a transcript of the virtual discussion. Rob Ence: I want to introduce our panel Dr. Lucinda Bateman, Dr. Brayden Yellman, Dr. Suzanne Vernon and...
Good Day Bad Day Communication Tool
BHC Education Director, Tahlia Ruschioni presents our latest patient asses, Good Day Bad Day Questionnaire, at the May 11th Messages of Hope awareness event. The following is a transcript of her presentation. Tahlia Ruschioni: So I think it goes without saying that...
Dr. Grach Recorded Message of Hope Transcript
As part of the May 11th Messages of Hope Awareness Event, Dr. Grach, May Clinic Internal Medicine Resident recorded her message to be included in the live event moderated by BHC Executive Director, Rob Ence. The following is a transcript of that segment of the...
Long COVID Advocate Shares Progress and Hope
Long Hauler Advocate, Lisa O'Brien shared her message of progress and hope at the BHC Messages of Hope Awareness Event on May 11, 2022. The following is a transcript of her message. Rob Ence: One of the opportunities we have as we go through the challenges...
We stand on the edge of a precipice and most of the time we keep our eyes trained on the horizon where we can see across to our loved ones to moments of joy happiness contentment. Sometimes we lose our energy and our gaze turns downward into the chasm of despair pain...
Awareness Messages of Hope Video and Slide Show
In honor of ME/CFS and FM Awareness members of the community, BHC staff and Board submitted a picture of their message of hope to fellow community members and empty shoes. The shoes represent individuals missing from elements of their pre-illness life. We created a...
“Reflections at Year 5”
Reflections at year 5… On top of the world, amazing career, a perfect life Until suddenly I wasn’t Why me, why now? But why not me? Unable to stand, to eat, to sleep, to think Where had I gone? An end, and then a foreign uncharted path Time eased some burdens, some...