An ME/CS Progress Report
Lucinda Bateman, MD, BHC Founder and Medical Director, is actively engaged in ME/CFS and FM thought leadership across the globe. In October she was on the road to take part in and advance the discussions that lead to progress. In a few short weeks she participated in:
- October 8th – SMCI Scientific Advisory Council meeting,
- October 17-20 – two ME/CFS conferences in Sweden, and
- October 27-30 – 12th International IACFS/ME Research and Clinical Conference: Emerging Science and Clinical Care.
In this one month, she was able to connect with hundreds of scientists, physicians, professionals, and patients interested in ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia from all across the globe. At the November BHC Education Meeting Dr. B offered a recap of the information, insights, progress and promise discussed by those in attendance at each of these meetings.
“There is so much now, and it is moving very quickly…” said Dr. Bateman. “I predict that exponential growth is next.”
Access and download a copy of the slides HERE: BHC-global-report-oct-2016
The Bateman Horne Center (BHC) was founded by nationally-recognized clinical expert and BHC medical director, Lucinda Bateman, M.D. Under her leadership and because of her great compassion, intelligence and integrity, the Bateman Horne Center is leading the way in the medical advancement and treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromylagia (FM). By operating one of the few integrated medical research and clinical cafe programs in the country, BHC is working to develop standardized diagnostic tests and evidence-based treatments to improve the lives of millions of sufferers.
Dr. Bateman is committed to ensuring first-class care is readily available to all patients, regardless of their location. The Bateman Horne Center envisions a day when all ME/CFS and FM patients are readily diagnosed, effectively treated, and widely met with empathy and understanding.
The Bateman Horne Center holds monthly education meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. Patients in the Salt Lake City area are invited to attend in person, meet others and engage in a live Q&A. All of the sessions are broadcast via YouTube live stream, making them available to all. There is no need to register and the livestream events are always free. The link never changes:
After the education meeting takes place, all recordings are archived here on the BHC blog, in the patient library, and on the BHC YouTube channel.
If you want to stay in touch and informed on these and other opportunities, sign up to follow this blog at the top right of this page and be sure and subscribe to our free monthly e-news, the BHC Empower Update.
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