My Eyes

by | May 30, 2023 | Patient Voice

My Eyes

Many sights once blessed my eyes:
Candlelight flickering against cold walls, illuminating my song.
Melismatic music fluttering across pages like butterflies made of notes.
Steady silhouettes of an anticipating audience, eager for my next line.
Elastic on my split-sole slippers, slid on for a rond de jambe.
Pretty petals of peonies, ruffled and cheerful as I place them in a vase of glass.
My eyes were full of life back then. Look at my eyes now.


This poem was submitted as part of the Reflections of ME/CFS and FM and Long COVID Awareness Day Virtual Event on May 9th, 2023.

#MillionsMissing #MillionsMore #Hope4MECFS #Hope4FM #Hope4LongCOVID