Sixteen different centers within the NIH have come together to seek input concerning new research strategies for ME/CFS. They are asking patients and patient advocates to tell the Trans-NIH Working Group on ME/CFS what kind of opportunities there are for studying the illness, what technologies and tests might be utilized in studying it, and what challenges ME/CFS research faces today.
You can read the NIH Request for Information (RFI) announcement HERE.
The Trans-National Institutes of Health (NIH) ME/CFS Working Group is developing new strategies to guide NIH’s research efforts and priority setting for research on ME/CFS. Seeking input into the planning process through this Request for Information (RFI) is critical for identification and consideration of research areas and topics to be included in future efforts. The members of the Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group will review and consider the comments received under this RFI with regard to current and future needs and direction for ME/CFS research and research training.
Through the RFI, the Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group invites input from researchers, health care providers, patient advocates and health advocacy organizations, scientific or professional organizations, Federal agencies, and other interested parties. Bateman Horne Center leadership is preparing a submission and we will share it on our blog upon submission.
If you would like to provide your perspective directly, we recommend reading the RFI HERE and following their submission guidelines.
You may also add your voice to others through a survey created by #MEAction – Access it HERE
Responses will be accepted through Friday, June 24, 2016.