Lunch & Learn – Virtual Event
Presentation Topic: Interior design, remodeling, and refreshing rooms with a chronic illness. Agenda - 15 to 20 minute presentation by a community participant on an illness-related topic - Announce the […]
Presentation Topic: Interior design, remodeling, and refreshing rooms with a chronic illness. Agenda - 15 to 20 minute presentation by a community participant on an illness-related topic - Announce the […]
Topic: Strategies for Approaching Treatments Support Group Format The first 30-minutes will focus on a predetermined topic followed by a general discussion for the last half of the hour. Both of the monthly support groups are designed to include people with ME/CFS, FM, Long COVID, and co-existing conditions. We also welcome supporters and loved ones. […]
Topic What does or does not work: discussion around brain retraining Support Group Format The first 30-minutes will focus on a predetermined topic followed by a general discussion for the last half of the hour. Both of the monthly support groups are designed to include people with ME/CFS, FM, Long COVID, and co-existing conditions. We […]
Presentation Topic: Stories - a way to share hope & connection Agenda - 15 to 20 minute presentation by a community participant on an illness-related topic - Announce the “get […]
Topic: Perfectionism Support Group Format The first 30-minutes will focus on a predetermined topic followed by a general discussion for the last half of the hour. Both of the monthly support groups are designed to include people with ME/CFS, FM, Long COVID, and co-existing conditions. We also welcome supporters and loved ones. These sessions are […]
Presentation Topic: To Be Announced Agenda - 15 to 20 minute presentation by a community participant on an illness-related topic - Announce the “get to know you” question - Separate […]
Topic: Comparison Support Group Format The first 30-minutes will focus on a predetermined topic followed by a general discussion for the last half of the hour. Both of the monthly support groups are designed to include people with ME/CFS, FM, Long COVID, and co-existing conditions. We also welcome supporters and loved ones. These sessions are […]
Topic: Communication & Relationships when Chronically Ill (Talking to caregivers and loved ones about wants, needs, experiences) Support Group Format Both monthly support groups are designed to include people with […]
Presentation Topic: To Be Announced Agenda - 15 to 20 minute presentation by a community participant on an illness-related topic - Announce the “get to know you” question - Separate […]
Topic: Self-trust (Navigating chronic illness by learning to have confidence in your own experiences) Support Group Format Both monthly support groups are designed to include people with ME/CFS, FM, Long […]
Topic: Grounding (Keeping calm & peaceful in the eye of the chronic illness storm) Support Group Format Both monthly support groups are designed to include people with ME/CFS, FM, Long […]
Topic: Improving the Holiday Moments While Ill (Strategies for keeping the holidays fulfilling) Support Group Format Both monthly support groups are designed to include people with ME/CFS, FM, Long COVID, […]
Presentation Topic: My Favorite Things Agenda - 15 to 20 minute presentation by a community participant on an illness-related topic - Announce the “get to know you” question - Separate […]