Sigh By Lori Harpell 3/25/2024 Feeling like a deflated balloon, Swirling in a dirty gutter... Hazel is confused, Bob is worn out... Bathroom to recliner, Recliner to bathroom... Hours resting with closed eyes, Listening to the quiet sounds outside... A bed bath, A...
Patient Voice
Me and my ME
Me and my ME Who is me, or rather who am I, and what is ME? My name is Dr Bear Lawrence, and I’ve enjoyed an interesting life. I’ve worked as a delivery driver in Norway, a helicopter tour pilot in the Caribbean, and a flight instructor in Oregon. In the UK I’ve been...
Stuck with ME
Stuck with ME Let me tell you a little bit about ME I am a monstrous intruder I am your worst nightmare You do not want an invasion from ME I break in through the tiniest cracks anyway There is no avoiding ME I creep in when you least expect ME I am a perpetual thief...
Persephone Enters the Underworld
Persephone Enters the Underworld/Thanksgiving Table 11/26/23 Grieve for me Mother because I am gone. No, I was not stolen or taken. I did not fall, Slip. Truthfully I cannot tell you how I got within the winding corridors of death. But here I am. No, Mother I will not...
Slowly Dying
**Trigger Warning. This poem may be difficult to read for some individuals. Please take care. Here is a link to BHC's Crisis Resources page.** Slowly Dying I'm on earth, and I no longer feel like I'm living; instead, I'm slowly dying. It's like being in a...
You & M.E.
You & M.E. Grief that remains a forever process. Revolving door, repetitious. The body I once took for granted. The endless energy I once had. Nothing good comes from resentment. Evaluating the symptoms present. They come and go, multisystem involvement. I feel...
A Good Day…
-Margo This was submitted as part of the Reflections of ME/CFS and FM and Long COVID Awareness Day Virtual Event on May 9th, 2023. #MillionsMissing #MillionsMore #Hope4MECFS #Hope4FM #Hope4LongCOVID #patiencevoice
The Cost of ME/CFS: An OT’s Lived Experience
Occupational and physical therapists have traditionally been trained from a rehabilitation perspective to treat a wide or diverse range of medical conditions. Many principles of rehabilitation can be applied to various spectrums of chronic health conditions....
Watching the World
Watching the World I open the door from my room I watch the world People in school for degrees People on sunny sandy beaches People winning awards People on trips with friends I love watching everything I dream of joining in I wonder about being part I close...
Today’s Crash (Day 1139): “Owed” to Long Covid ME/CFS
Today's Crash (Day 1139): "Owed" to Long Covid ME/CFS Upon awaking-- body gently spinning, vibrating, Breathing shallow, heart racing, Limbs so heavy, thoughts so slow Another day gone before you know Calm acceptance, mixed with grief, Fighting offers no...
Medicated Faith
Medicated Faith “Holy orange bottles, each night, I pray to you" -Taylor Swift: Soon You'll Get Better A prayer to my orange bottles: I spent 4 months to get you Endless rounds of blood work- turning up nothing "Goodbye blood" Go off and finally...
Resilience You’re sick isn’t worthy. No ribbon, no run. Not dying, not living. Just a life come undone. Tests do not show, The battles you’ve fought. Some will believe you, Others will not. You’ve lost all your shine. You’re just not the same....