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Activities of Daily Living

Activities of Daily Living

Chapter 9: Activities of daily living, known as ADLs, are tasks that involve self-care. Common ADLs include personal hygiene, bathing, toileting, dressing, eating, sleeping, and moving around in our environments. These tasks are often carried out without awareness of the energy demand that can be placed on our bodies while performing the task.

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Teaching Scientists About Brain Fog

Teaching Scientists About Brain Fog

Bateman Horne Center is honored to have a guest message by Janet Dafoe. She is a caregiver for her very severe ME/CFS son, advocate and fundraiser for the End ME/CFS Project at Open Medicine Foundation and CFSRC at Stanford. Follow her on Twitter at @JanetDafoe. Ron...

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Nutrition and Hydration

Nutrition and Hydration

Chapter 8: The following are examples of quick, easy, nutrient-rich foods and hydration options that can be integrated into everyday living with ME/CFS, orthostatic intolerance, and during a crash. In living with ME/CFS you may experience fluctuating motility, stomach and body sensitivities, nausea, etc. Be careful when introducing any new items into your system. Start slow, work with your medical care team while being mindful of any known intolerances or mast cell triggering substances.

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